Two Postdoctoral Research Associates in Bioinformatics and Population Genetics
The Population Genomics and Traits Group at CIBIO-University of Porto ( is seeking candidates for two Posdoctoral
fellowships. The successful candidates will be expected to engage in a vigorous basic and applied research program focused on NGS (next generation sequencing) and SNPchip data from several domestic species and their wild relative species. The initial appointment to this position is for three years with a possible extension to six years.
Requires a PhD in biology field or computer sciences with a solid background on population genetics and evolution as well strong experience with bioinformatics programming languages in a unix environment (Perl, Python, Javascript, SQL) and compiled languages (e.g. C++), relational databases, and construction of computational pipelines. Ability to work independently and with theoretical and empirical population genetics researchers is important. The projects, which include SNPChip, and Pool-Seq data require experience in working with large SNP data sets and sequence data. Good programming skills and familiarity with the available analysis tools
are essential. The goal of the research is to test hypotheses related to animal domestication and molecular adaptation of populations and species to extreme environments. The postdoctoral research will be mainly focused in population genomics, selection, and demography of wild/domestic (livestock) species their parasites from all over the world.
Applicants should submit by email a cover letter describing interests, skills (including any specific experience with the job responsibilities listed above), prior scientific experience (at least 1 year of posdoc and not less than 5 published papers), and 3
publications (.pdfs) from peer-reviewed journals (one at least as first author), their CV, and the names and contact information of 2 people who can provide letters of reference. Applications as well as demands for further information should be sent to Albano Beja-Pereira to the following email address:
The successful candidate will apply to the Portuguese National Science Agency (FCT) and it’s expected to start working in the first months of 2014. Fellowship wage will be 1495 euros /month (tax-free), with social security and national health system assess included.
Application review will start at June 15, 2013 and continue until the position is filled.