
Aggrey, Sammy

Professor, Department of Poultry Science

Phone:  706-542-1354
Office:   114 Poultry Sciences Building
Lab Website |

Research Interest
Nutrigenomics, Functional Genomics, Bioinformatics, Growth and Skeletal Modeling

Amster, Jon

Professor and Head, Department of Chemistry

Phone:  706-542-2001
Office: 285 Chemistry Building
Lab Website |

Research Interest
Development of new spectrometric methods for the identification and structural analysis of high weight molecules

Ayyampalayam, Saravanaraj

Scientific Computing Professional,  Enterprise Information Technology Services

Phone:  706-542-0188
Office: 0431 Stegeman Coliseum
Lab Website |

Research Interest
Bioinformatics, large scale data management and analysis, high performance computing

Bhandarkar, Suchi

Professor, Department of Computer Science

Phone:  706-542-1082
Office: 538a Boyd Graduate Research Center
Lab Website |

Research Interest
Computer vision, pattern recognition, image processing, artificial intelligence, and computational biology

Burke, John M.

Associate Professor, Departments of Plant Biology

Phone:  706-583-5511
Office: Miller Plant Sciences Building, RM 4617
Lab Website |

Research Interest
Plant evolutionary genetics and genomics

Cai, Liming

Professor, Departments of Computer Science

Phone:  706-542-6081
Office: 544 Boyd Graduate Research Center
Lab Website |

Research Interest
RNA Structures and Algorithms

Carlson, Russell W.

Professor, Departments of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | CCRC Executive Technical Director, Plant and Microbial Complex Carbohydrates

Phone:  706-542-4439
Office: Complex Carbohydrate Research Center | 315 Riverbend Road
Lab Website |

Research Interest
Molecular basis of the interaction between a bacterium and its plant or animal host

Davis, Melissa B.

Assistant Professor, Departments of Genetics

Phone:  706-542-5014
Office: B408A Davison Life Science Complex
Lab Website |

Research Interest
Breast Cancer Subtype Etiology, Cancer Immunology, and Cancer Health Disparities

Dickerson, Harry

Professor and Associate Dean, College of Veterinary Medicine, Departments of Infectious Diseases

Phone:  706-542-5734
Office: 227 Vet Med-1
Lab Website |

Research Interest
Teleost immune response, Ichthyophthirius mutifiliis, gene expression and function

Glover, Claiborne

Professor, Departments of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Phone:  706-542-1769
Office: A320B Davison Life Sciences
Lab Website |

Research Interest
Protein phohoryation, signal transduction, cell cycle regulation Saccharimyces cerevisiae. Bioinformatic analysis of achaeal non-coding RNAs

Huang, Hanwen

Assistant Professor, Departments of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Phone:  706-713-2674
Office: B.S. Miller Hall, RM 210
Lab Website |

Research Interest
Statistical Machine Learning, Data Mining, Bayesian Analysis, and Bioinformatics


Kushner, Sidney R.

Professor, Departments of Genetics

Phone:  706-542-1437
Office: C414B Davison Life Science Complex
Lab Website |

Research Interest
Mechanisms for post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes

Landau, David P.

Distinguished Research Professor, Departments of

Phone:  706-542-2908
Office: 321A Physics
Lab Website |

Research Interest
Phase transitions and critical phenomena in magnets, alloys(including binary semiconductors), and equilibrium polymer systems

Lee, Margie D

Professor, Departments of
Plant Biology

Phone:  706-583-0797
Office: Department of Pathology
Lab Website |

Research Interest
Molecular ecology of intestinal bacterial communities, mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance, and molecular epidemiology of food safety pathogens

Leebens-Mack, Jim

Professor, Departments of
Plant Biology

Phone:  706-583-5573
Office: 2101 Miller Plant Sciences
Lab Website |

Research Interest
Phylogenomics employs genome-scale sequence data to resolve organismal relationships and investigate gene family evolution within the context of organismal relationships

Lu, Hang

Professor, School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and James R. Fair Faculty Fellow

Phone:  404-894-8473
Office: GATech | 311 Ferst Dr. NW | Atlanta, GA 30332
Lab Website |

Research Interest
Employing BioMEMS and microfluidic devices to address questions in neuroscience, cell biology, and biotechnology

Miller, John A.

Professor, Department of Computer Science

Phone:  706-542-3440
Office: 219 Hardman
Lab Website |

Research Interest
Database systems, modeling & simulation, web services/workflow, and bioinformatics

Moran, Mary Ann

Distinguished Research Professor, Department of Marine Sciences

Phone:  706-542-6481
Office: 285A Marine Science Building
Lab Website |

Research Interest
Database systems, modeling & simulation, web services/workflow, and bioinformatics

Orlando, Ron

Professor, Department of Biochemistry Molecular Biology | CCRC

Phone:  706-542-4414
Office: 1078 Complex Carbohydrate Research Center
Lab Website |

Research Interest

Park, Andrew W.

Associate Professor, Department of Infectious Diseases | Odum School of Ecology

Phone:  706-542-2968
Office: 106 Ecology
Lab Website |

Research Interest
Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Ecological & evolutionary host-parasite interactions.

Peterson, David S.

Associate Professor,  Graduate Coordinator & Assistant Department Head of Infectious Diseases

Phone:  706-542-5242
Office: 345c Coverdell Center
Lab Website |

Research Interest
Characterization of adhesion proteins which mediate host-parasite interactions in Plasmodium falciparum

Peterson, Joy Doran

Professor,  Department of Microbiology

Phone:  706-542-4115
Office: 546 Biological Sciences
Lab Website |

Research Interest
Microbial mining, disrupting biomass to release sugar, fermenting organisms, and economical viability research

Prestegard, James H.

Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry | CCRC

Phone:  706-542-6281
Office: 1077 Complex Carbohydrate Research Center
Lab Website |

Research Interest
Charbohydrate Chemistry and Metabolomics

Reeves, Jaxk H.

Director, Statistical Consulting Center and Associate Professor, Department of Statistics

Phone:  706-542-3316
Office: 444 Brooks Hall

Lab Website |

Research Interest
Climate statistics and statistical phylogenetics

Rekaya, Romdhane

Professor, Department of Animal and Dairy Science & Statistics

Phone:  706-542-0949
Office: 348 Animal Dairy Sciences

Lab Website |

Research Interest
Bayesian inferences and Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods, longitudinal data modeling, microarray data analysis and bioinformatics

Rose, John

Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Phone:  706-542-1750
Office: B204B Life Sciences Complex

Lab Website |

Research Interest
Structural biology, protein structure-function, x-ray crystallography, single wavelength anomalous scattering, structural protenomics

Sabatini, Robert

Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Phone:  706-542-1737
Office: B122 Life Sciences Complex

Lab Website |

Research Interest
Antigenic variation in African trypanosomes, and biosynthesis and function of base J

Song, Xiao

Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics

Phone:  706-542-1540
Office: 213 Miller Hall | Health Sciences Campus

Lab Website |

Research Interest
Statistical methods to deal with covariate measurement error and missing data, and to identify biomarkers for prognosis, diagnosis, and treatment selection

Summers, Anne O.

Professor, Department of Microbiology

Phone:  706-542-2669
Office: 263 Biological Sciences

Lab Website |

Research Interest
Bacterial plasmid-encoded resistance to inorganic and organic mercury compounds (the mer locus) as a model for (a) gene regulation by toxic metals, (b) microbial detoxification of
environmental hazards, and (c) the influence of toxic metals on the commensal microbiota of vertebrates

Wang, Bi-cheng

Professor and GRA Eminent Research Scholar of Structural Biology, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Phone:  706-542-1747
Office: B202 Life Sciences Complex

Lab Website |

Research Interest
Structural Biology / Physical Biochemistry

Wells, Lance

Professor and Graduate Coordinator, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Complex Carbohydrate Research Center

Phone:  706-542-7806
Office: 3018 Complex Carbohydrate Research Center

Lab Website |

Research Interest
Roles of regulatory post-translational modifications of proteins

York, William

Professor, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology | Complex Carbohydrate Research Center

Phone:  706-542-4628
Office: 2081 Complex Carbohydrate Research Center

Lab Website |

Research Interest
Structural and conformational analysis of complex carbohydrates