IOB Academic News & Events | week of APR 3rd, 2020

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Research News:

David Montgomery: COVID-19 collaboration submitted to PLOS Pathogens. The title is: “Glycosaminoglycan binding motif at S1/S2 proteolytic cleavage site on spike glycoprotein may facilitate novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) host cell entry”.  


Dr. Justin Bahl interviewed on COVID-19:

New York Times



On-line Seminar:

Dr. Alexander Bucksch (is the tenth presenter in the IPPN online webinar.

Title: Computers, Roots & Big Data from the Field: Can new methods identify uncharacterized phenomena in existing data?

To join this webinar on the 10th of April 2020, go on time to Join Zoom Meeting   Meeting ID: 734 731 883

Dial by your location – Meeting ID: 734 731 883.  Find your local number: